
The Matrix Consept

Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll – inventor of Matrix Rhythm Therapy – has published numerous scientific articles. This standard work, The Matrix Concept, states the scientific and historical principles based on Matrix Rhythm Therapy and includes many case studies. Available in English or German.

The Matrix Concept

Matrix Rhythm Therapy Basic Principles

Pain and movement limitations are systemic and local consequences of disturbances in the logistics of the life process. They can be treated successfully by optimizing cell biological processes. Available in English, German or Turkish.

Matrix Rhythm Therapy Basic Principles

Matrix Rhythm Therapy and the Lymphatic System

The effectiveness of Matrix Rhythm Therapy depends on a number of factors that act at different levels of the organism. To understand these, it is first necessary to understand the lymphatic system itself in a deeper, process-oriented way. Available in English or German.

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