Matrix Rhythm Therapy is used successfully in various disciplines of medicine to eliminate many problems.
- Muscle spasms and body posture disorders,
- In waist and neck hernias,
- In cases of tissue stiffness, spasticity and joint stiffness, and movement limitation,
- Relieving pain and accelerating healing in diseases that fall into the group of chronic-degenerative disorders such as rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis, joint calcification (degenerative arthritis) and soft tissue rheumatism (fibromyalgia),
- Open wounds on the body (decubitulcers) and wounds on the legs of diabetic patients (ulcuscuriris)
- In trap neuropathies (Carpal Tunnel, Cubital Tunnel, Tennis Elbow cases)
- Tinnitus or teeth grinding (TMJ) problems
- In cases of tension headaches and migraines, acute and other chronic pain conditions.
Uses in Athletes
- It relaxes the contracted muscle after intense training or competition and prepares the athlete for the next training, and has an injury-preventing quality.
- Relieving muscle spasm,
- Treatment of fiber damage,
- Treatment of muscle tears,
- Preventing conditions such as tendon tears and tendon ruptures,
- Triggering the repair of injuries in the ligaments,
- Treatment of joint capsule injuries or traumas.
Situations Used to Support Healthy Living
- Increasing the effect of the massage with its ability to affect the deepest muscle in classical massage applications,
- Providing complete relaxation with its relaxing effect on the muscle and nervous system,
- To relieve the acidotic environment by relaxing the spasmodic area before hot applications (Hot water therapies, sauna, Turkish bath, etc.),
Cosmetic Usecases
- Thanks to its natural vibration, muscle strengthening as a result of passive gymnastics effect (reducing fat tissue and increasing muscle tissue),
- Helping to lose weight, providing slimming and tightening,
- In the treatment of cellulite, capillary system disorders such as varicose veins,
- As it provides oxygenation and accelerates blood flow, it helps reduce wrinkles.
- To reduce regional swelling and treat edema,
- Wound healing and reducing injury scars.