Healthy lifestyle, Therapy, Veterinary

Matrix basic usage training in Istanbul

Would you like to meet the Medicine of the Future and the “Rhythm of Health” and become a Matrix Rhythm Therapist?

We are holding the ‘Matrix Rhythm Therapy Basic Usage Training and Workshop’ in Istanbul on Saturday, September 17, 2022, between 10:00-17:00.

Dr. Randoll Institute Türkiye Representative and Trainer Op. Dr. Together with Mustafa Erşin, authorized instructor Dr. Participants included in the training given by Sait Sevinç; Matrix Rhythm Therapy Concept, in addition to the basic structure and use of the Matrixmobil®️ device; They will have the opportunity to exchange information, see and experience the application.

The training will last for one day; It will take place in two parts: theoretical and practical. Participants who completed the training, Dr. ‘Matrix Rhy’ approved by Randoll Institute

Those who participate in this program by purchasing the MatrixMobile Device will take the first step towards gaining the title of “Matrix Health Partner” or “Matrix Wellnes Partner”. Other participants who successfully complete the program are recorded in the “Matrix Rhythm Therapist” data bank and are in need of employment and Matrix Rhythm Therapist.

He/she will have the opportunity to be directed to centers that apply the therapy.

Matrix Rhythm Therapy Basic User Certificate and application trainings to be given depending on the program are open to a limited number of participants. Therefore, pre-registration for the program is required.

?Education place:
Eğitim Mahallesi, Uğurelli Sokak, No:1 Sadıkoğlu 1 İş Merkezi, D:2 Kadıköy-İstanbul

You can contact us for detailed information and registration.

+90 549 451 79 79
+90 533 580 55 82

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